How Much Protein?
(Weight Method)
This is how to calculate your protein requirements if you are at or near your ideal weight. If you're overweight, you should use the CALORIE METHOD available by clicking HERE.
According to the Institute of Medicine, Food and Nutrition Board, the average person needs 0.32 grams of protein per pound of body weight. That means a 180-pound person would need to take in about 58 grams of protein every day.
But that's not the final word; there are several other variables. If you're a vegetarian, the number goes up. If you engage in endurance training, the number goes up. If you lift weights, the number goes up.
Enter your weight in the field below, and we'll calculate how many grams of protein you need daily, based on your lifestyle. A full explanation of each number is provided below the calculator.
If more than one category fits, choose the HIGHER one. For example, if you engage in endurance activities AND strength activities, you should eat the minimum grams specified for strength training because that's higher.