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WeBeFit.com Personal Trainer Forms Page

Step 1 - Print out and complete the Informed Consent and Medical History forms below.

All forms are provided in 3 convenient formats. As a Web Page, as an Adobe PDF Document or as a Microsoft Word Document. Click on the option most convenient for you. PLEASE NOTE: The Microsoft Word file is locked. When you open it and it asks for a password, you will need to choose READ ONLY.

Informed Consent
Informed Consent - Web Page Version
Informed Consent - Adobe PDF Version
Informed Consent - Microsoft Word Version
Medical History
Medical History - Web Page Version
Medical History - Adobe PDF Version
Medical History - Microsoft Word Version

A WeBeFit Trainer will tell you if you need to fill out the Physician's Approval and Waiver below.

Physician's Approval
Physician's Approval - Web Page Version
Physician's Approval - Adobe PDF Version
Physician's Approval - Microsoft Word Version
Waiver - Web Page Version
Waiver - Adobe PDF Version
Waiver - Microsoft Word Version

Step 2 - Set up an appointment with a trainer.

Click Here to see our trainers.

Or call our Personal Training Center and we'll help you decide.
(305) 296-3434

Step 3 - Write down goals and reasons why you want to start a fitness program.

Do you want to loose weight? Gain muscle? Increase your endurance? Write down some of the reasons you're considering a new fitness program. During your FREE CONSULTATION with a personal trainer these will be used to craft a program specifically for YOU.

Step 4 - Get fit!

Now it's up to you. If you haven't called yet, CALL NOW to setup that first appointment. In six months you could be celebrating the new you!


PLEASE NOTE: All forms have been created for and copyrighted by Eden Entertainment Limited, Inc., the parent company of WeBeFit.com. You're free to use them in your training business but the following conditions apply. YOU are liable for their content and are responsible for any legal issues should the forms not be valid for your situation, geographic location or if they contain any errors. We have NOT posted free forms for people to use AND be held liable! It's up to YOU to clear them with your attorney and/or any legal or governing body to make sure they're valid for YOUR situation.

You may NOT sell these forms, or include them in a larger body of work that is sold. These forms are for FREE distribution.