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Spatchcock Herb Roasted Turkey

Spatchcock Herb Roasted Turkey

Calories 240 (37% from fat)
Fat 10 gram
Saturated Fat 3 gram
Trans Fat 0 gram
Cholesterol 98 mg.
Sodium 346 mg.
Carb. 3 gram
Fiber 0 gram
Sugar 0 gram
Sugar Alcohol 0 gram
Protein 36 gram


10-15 Pound Turkey


1/2 cup parsley

0.2 ounce (1/4 cup) fresh sage

0.75 ounce (3/4 cup) fresh thyme

0.75 ounces (3/4 cup) fresh chives

2 shallots, peeled and chopped

3 Tbsp. garlic, minced

4 Tbsp. light butter

black pepper, ground


light butter for additional basting, if necessary

There are lots of ways to cook a turkey. Baking in a bag, deep frying and smoking are just a few. But once you cook it the “spatchcock” way you’ll forget about the rest. It cooks in about half the time as conventional baking, while keeping the meat more moist and tender than you’ve ever had.

Calorie breakdown is based on turkey breast without skin. A 12-pound turkey will provide about 5 pounds of cooked meat. That's 20 servings of 4-ounces each. Make sure to choose an appropriate size for the number of guests you will be serving. The directions and cooking times in this recipe work best on a 10-15 pound turkey.

1. Start with a thawed turkey. (Follow package instructions to properly thaw the turkey.) I prefer one that’s 10 to 15 pounds, with about 12 pounds to be ideal. Take out whatever has been stuffed inside the cavity and set it aside.

Thawed Turkey

2. Put the turkey breast side down. Use a boning knife to put guide cuts along both sides of the spine. Then take the boning knife, start at the butt and follow your guides, cutting through the ribs. If you’re comfortable using a cleaver to cut it you can, just be very careful to keep your fingers out of the way as you cut it. Set the spine aside.

Make lines on each side of the spine.

Remove the spine.

3. You can use the giblets and spine you set aside to make gravy.

4. Flip the turkey over and press down firmly on both sides of the breastbone until you hear a cracking sound. Your goal is to get the turkey as flat as you can.

Turn the turkey over, press down and break the breast down.

5. Separate the skin from the flesh underneath, but don’t take it off the turkey. Make sure to separate the skin all over, including the thighs.

6. Put the butter ingredients in a food processor and blend them together. Then rub 2/3 of the mixture UNDER the skin. Spread the remainder over the top of the skin. Tuck the wingtips under the breast. Lightly cover the top with ground black pepper.

Rub the herbed butter under the skin and then on top.

7. There are two ways to cook it. The slower way will retain the most juices. The faster way will cook the turkey in about 90 minutes. Your choice.


a. Heat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

b. Put the turkey in the MIDDLE of the oven. Set a timer for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, baste the turkey with the drippings. Repeat every 20 minutes. To make sure it cooks evenly, rotate the turkey after a couple bastings. (If the turkey doesn’t produce enough drippings for the first basting, you can baste it lightly with butter.)

c. A 12 pound turkey will take between 2 – 2 1/4 hours to cook, but every oven is unique. Take the temperature in the thickest part of the breast. Once it reaches 165 degrees, it’s done. Visually you will notice the skin at the bottom of the legs turn crispy and start to pull away. If you like the skin extra crispy, turn the oven up to 450 degrees Fahrenheit and bake it for an additional 10-15 minutes.

d. Remove from the oven and let it rest for approximately 20 minutes. Carve and serve. INDIVIDUAL SERVING is 4 ounces.


a. Heat oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit.

b. Put the turkey in the MIDDLE of the oven. Set a timer for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, baste the turkey with the drippings. Repeat every 15 minutes. Rotate once after you’ve basted it the second time, to make sure it cooks evenly.

c. A 12 pound turkey will take about 1 1/2 hours to cook, but every oven is unique. IT MAY FINISH SOONER. Take the temperature in the thickest part of the breast. Once it reaches 165 degrees, it’s done. Visually you will notice the skin at the bottom of the legs turn crispy and start to pull away.

d. Remove from the oven and let it rest for approximately 20 minutes. Carve and serve. INDIVIDUAL SERVING is 4 ounces.

Finished turkey.

How to Carve a Spatchcock Turkey

Carving Tips from Real Simple Magazine, April 2019 - Separate wings and legs with a sharp knife. Separate thighs and drumsticks by cutting through the joint. Slice along each side of the breastbone to remove the breasts; slice against the grain. Cut dark meat from the bone.

Yield: Varies Depending on Turkey Size

 Veggie Tots Chicken Casserole

This is a Freezer Friendly Recipe!

You can freeze individual portions for easy re-heating later.

Microwave for approximately 3-4 minutes. Keep the container open a little to allow steam to escape.

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