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Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive dissonance is a psychological term that refers to the mental discomfort experienced by a person when they hold two or more contradictory beliefs, values, or ideas at the same time, or when their actions conflict with their beliefs.

The theory of cognitive dissonance was first introduced by social psychologist Leon Festinger in the late 1950s. Festinger and his colleagues developed the theory based on their observations of a UFO cult that predicted the end of the world on a specific date.

When the prophecy did not come true, the members of the cult experienced cognitive dissonance because their belief in the prophecy conflicted with the reality that the world did not end. They resolved this dissonance by adopting new beliefs and rationalizing their actions.

Festinger and his colleagues proposed that cognitive dissonance is a state of mental discomfort that arises when a person holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values. The theory suggests that people are motivated to reduce this discomfort by changing their beliefs, behaviors, or attitudes.

Here are a few signs of cognitive dissonance:

1. Denial or Rationalization: This is when a person denies or rationalizes away information that contradicts their beliefs. For example, a person who believes that smoking is not harmful might ignore or dismiss research that shows the health risks of smoking.

2. Selective Exposure: This is when a person seeks out information that confirms their beliefs and ignores information that contradicts them. For example, a person who is against vaccinations might only read articles that support their views and ignore information about the benefits of vaccinations.

3. Confirmation Bias: This is when a person interprets information in a way that confirms their existing beliefs. For example, a person who believes that climate change is not real might interpret a cold winter as evidence that the climate is not changing.

4. Justification of Effort: This is when a person convinces themselves that something they have done was worth the effort, even if it was difficult or had negative consequences. For example, a person who spends a lot of money on a car might convince themselves that it was worth it because they feel a sense of status or pride in owning the car.

5. Self-Perception Theory: This is when a person’s beliefs are influenced by their actions. For example, a person who volunteers for a political campaign might come to believe in the candidate’s platform simply because they have invested time and effort in promoting it.

It's a common phenomenon that affects how people process and interpret information, and it can have significant impacts on our beliefs, behaviors, and decision-making.

How To Argue With Someone Who Won’t Listen

Cognitive Dissonance (Definition + 3 Examples)

Cognitive Dissonance: Our Battle With Conflicting Beliefs

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