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Stronger, Faster, Older?
Andy Griffiths - Training with WeBeFit

Ready to make a change? If you're trying to lose fat, build muscle, or gain greater mobility, we're here to help.

Schedule an appointment. You'll meet with a WeBeFit Personal Trainer for a FREE consultation. During that meeting they'll learn about your current physical condition, medical history, goals and expectations. Based on that interview, they'll build a customized training program for YOU. Here's where it gets really good.

You train 2 or 3 times a week with a WeBeFit Certified Personal Trainer. You can then come in on your days off and workout on the cardio machines FREE. No memberships, dues or additional fees.

Customized workouts in a fully equipped gym, complete with locker rooms to clean up when you're done. There's no commitment. Why don't you find out what it's all about?

Call for a FREE Consultation (305) 296-3434

How much do you charge?

Why we post our prices ONLINE (you just have to scroll down for the link) and a checklist so you can compare SERVICES.

If you were shopping for a car, would you pull out the phone book and just go down the list asking each dealership what their best price was? Would you consider a pickup truck, a sports car and a minivan equally and make your decision solely on price?

Of course not. You'd first decide what type of vehicle was appropriate. Then you'd make a list of the features you needed. After that you'd list the things you wanted. Once you had all the information, THEN you'd compare models that were similar.

Unfortunately most people choose their trainer on nothing more than price. They believe every one provides exactly the same service and all they need to do is to get the best deal.

It's a little like saying there's no difference between a skateboard and a Mercedes. If you're looking to drive from Key West to Los Angeles, they're both forms of transportation. Comparing on price means the skateboard would be the obvious winner. If you were really dedicated, you could probably make that trip on a skateboard. But what would be the real cost of that journey in safety, time and convenience?

Unlike most personal trainers, we post our rates right online. We're not going to jerk you around and make you come in before you know what the potential costs may be. What we will do though, is ask that you take a look at the following checklist first. Decide the things that are important and compare trainers based on your needs.

If you just want a mouth breather to follow you around and count reps and sets, by all means look for the cheapest one you can find. But if you want more, here's where you should start.

Personal Trainer Checklist

Where do you train?

YOUR HOME - GOOD: Training in your home is convenient, as long as you have enough space and equipment. Discount trainers often go this route because they don't have to pay any overhead and they can get by with a couple mats and exercise balls. Unless you have an exercise room loaded with equipment, the progress you see from this type of training is limited.

THE TRAINERS HOME - GOOD: To provide more equipment options while still keeping the price down, some trainers will setup a gym in their home. The advantage is that you typically have more options than training out of your house. The disadvantage is that most home gyms aren't licensed or insured. They're not inspected to make sure things are maintained and up to code and you're on your own if something goes wrong.

A GYM OR HEALTH CLUB - BETTER: Commercial gyms are licensed, insured and generally filled with a wide range of equipment. Workouts can be more varied, giving you greater motivation and long-term results. The biggest downside to a gym is access. Unless there's a section dedicated strictly to personal training, you're sharing with whoever happens to show up for a workout. In busy gyms, it's not unusual to spend 10% of your time waiting for someone else to finish using equipment you need. You may also have to buy a membership to workout with a trainer in a gym, increasing your costs.

DEDICATED TRAINING CENTER - BEST: A well equipped training center has all the advantages of a gym without the inconveniences of having to wait for equipment. Better yet, most dedicated training centers don't charge you a membership. The best centers offer a range of cardio equipment you can use for free when you're not working out with a trainer.

Do you have references?

Get at least two and call them. Here are a few questions you can ask.

  • Does the trainer show up or cancel a lot?
  • Are the workouts challenging?
  • Have you seen progress?
  • Are questions answered so you understand why you're doing what you're doing?
  • Does your trainer document your workouts and track your progress?
  • Do you get guidance and motivation outside the gym?

Are you certified?

Ask for a copy of the certificate and call the organization to confirm it's current. 45% of trainers that claim to be certified are NOT.

Do you have a current first aid certificate and CPR certificate?

The only appropriate answer to this question is yes. If they don't, you shouldn't even consider them.

Do you have an AED (Automatic External Defibrillator)?

Working out carries certain risks and it's the responsibility of the trainer to minimize them. Most trainers will spend their entire career and never need one, but having one just in case shows they care about your safety.

Are you insured?

Get a copy of the insurance card and confirm it's current. If they're employees of a gym, make sure the gym or training center is insured. If an insurance company won't cover them or they don't carry any, you shouldn't risk your body training with them.

What type of programs do you offer?

You want customized workouts, not a cookie cutter program given to every client regardless of need or ability.

Do you take credit cards?

When you pay with a credit card, your money is protected. It makes getting a refund for unused sessions much easier if the trainer decides to flake out.

Do you provide anything else?

Free locks and lockers, WeBeFit bottled water, towels, toiletries like shaving cream, razors, toothbrush, toothpaste and other items should you forget them. We also offer free classes on Food Label Secrets, daily health and fitness tips, a weekly column and hundreds of healthy recipes tested in the WeBeFit kitchen. Come in on days you're not working out and use our cardio equipment FREE.

When you train with WeBeFit, you get more than a trainer, you get an entire company dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.

Click Here for a list of Packages and Prices.
Click Here to see the profiles of our personal trainers.

You can also read any of our hundreds of health and fitness articles
or try one of our hundreds of recipes completely free.
