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Suggestions for Businesses

Start by going through two documents, Employee Policies and Procedures and Customer Policies and Procedures. Make sure you're following the recommendations in those documents. That includes the following:

  • Mandatory Temperature Checks of all Employees and Customers
  • Mandatory Face Masks
  • Face Shields for Higher Risk People
  • Mandatory Hand Washing

Change to Touchless

Walk through your business. Make a note of every surface a customer MUST touch. Then ask yourself if you can find a way to make it touchless. Examples include:

  • Automatic Doors
  • Touchless Hand Sanitizer Dispensers
  • Credit Card Machines that Don't Require Signatures

Touch Screens
Touch screens, credit card screens and self-serve kiosks should have alternatives, so customers don't have to touch a germ-filled screen.

Airlines have changed the self-check-in kiosks, so they are now entirely touchless. You hold the code from your phone over the reader, and it prints out everything you need. If your business uses a kiosk for customers, talk to the manufacturer about making it touchless.

Restaurants should consider not handing out menus. Either post a large one for everyone to see or put the menus on the table, under a sheet of glass. Then the menus aren't being constantly handled. Try to avoid handing anything to a customer except actual merchandise they are buying.

High Touch Surfaces

These are surfaces that the CDC suggests should be frequently cleaned because they are high-touch.

  • Tables
  • Doorknobs
  • Light switches,
  • Countertops
  • Handles
  • Desks
  • Phones
  • Keyboards
  • Toilets
  • Faucets and Sinks
  • Gas Pump Handles
  • Touch screens
  • ATM Machines

Counters that customers touch a lot should have at least two levels of protection from the four listed below.

Change surfaces to antimicrobial materials. Covering desks in copper can continuously kill germs and viruses.

Coat surfaces in long-lasting antimicrobial solutions. Places that serve food need to be very careful since many long-lasting antimicrobial solutions are NOT suitable for use around food.

Spray or wipe the surface after each customer interaction with antimicrobial cleaning solutions like 70% isopropyl alcohol. Make sure to leave the cleaner on long enough for it to work. Only wipe with clean rags or wipes, so you don't spread pathogens around.

Disinfect surfaces and the air with UV-C light if possible between customers.

Retail Stores

High Touch Surfaces throughout a store should be sanitized with an antimicrobial solution at least once every 2-3 hours.

For widespread disinfection, you can use commercial UV-C lights. Robotic versions are available that move on their own at night when you're closed.

Cleaning Retail Shelves

Massage Tables and Exam Tables

Massage tables should be sanitized between customers. Then put a sterile fitted sheet over so the customer never makes direct contact with the table.

Massage Table
Massage tables should always have a fresh sheet on them for each new client.

Examination tables should be sanitized between customers. Then the sheet that's pulled down should cover the entire table, not leave strips on either side exposed.

Exam Tables
This exam table is not appropriate. The protective paper should extend to cover everything, not just the middle of the table.


Change fixtures to touchless versions.

  • Sink Faucets
  • Soap Dispensers
  • Paper Towel Dispensers
  • Toilets

Include Flushable Toilet Seat Covers

Install clock with a second hand, or that shows the seconds ticking by. Then customers can look at the clock to make sure they're washing their hands for 20-30 seconds.

Post signs reminding people to wash hands.


Soft & Porous Surfaces

Area rugs, cloth seats and plush couches might need to be removed because of the challenges you may have constantly cleaning and disinfecting them. Do not risk the health or safety of your customers by keeping potentially hazardous things around because they look good.

Hotel Lobby Furniture
Plush cloth-covered furniture may look good, but it's difficult to sanitize.

Returns & Exchanges

Some products you might need to stop accepting returns on. Items that could be contaminated by a customer that cannot be cleaned should be marked as non-returnable or disposed of if they are returned.

Establish a sanitizing procedure for anything you accept returns on that will be resold.

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Updated 12/21/2020
Updated 12/16/2024