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Customer Policies and Procedures

These guidelines are to keep your customers safe and reduce risk for employees. Talk to your employees about the risks they face and make sure they understand your plans. Listen to their suggestions; they may have better ideas than what you've come up with.

This information should not be used in place of official recommendations by city, county, state or federal officials. It is a supplemental piece to give general guidance. This information was originally provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Temperature Checks

Every customer should have their temperature checked when they arrive for work. If their temperature is above 99 degrees Fahrenheit, they should be sent home or to a doctor for further checkups.

Remember that physical activity raises your temperature. Being outside during a hot day can do the same thing. If a customer just arrived by riding a bike, have them sit down and cool down for 3-4 minutes. Then re-test their temperature to see if it has fallen to normal levels.

Temperature Check
Perform a temperature check every time customers come to your place of business.

Face Masks

Require all customers wear a face mask while in your facility. (Exceptions would be at a restaurant while eating or a doctor's office during a medical procedure.) Make sure the mask is at least two layers of cotton cloth or more. Do not allow masks that would present a danger to others, such as ones made out of mesh or that have one-way valves.

Face Masks

Free Cancellations

If a customer is sick, allow for no-charge same-day cancellations. You don't want an ill customer coming in and potentially infecting your staff or other customers.


Require customers to wash or sanitize hands before they start work. Sinks should have touchless faucets and soap dispensers. Handwashing should be done for at least 20-30 seconds. If you're in an environment where sinks aren't available, make sure to have touchless dispensers with hand sanitizer that's at least 60% alcohol.

Hand Sanitizer

Entrances & Exits - Traffic Flow

Large facilities like retail stores, supermarkets or restaurants should provide separate entrances and exits. You want to avoid having areas where customers may bump into each other.

Keep Customer Counts

Large facilities should keep track of how many people are going in and leaving. Some states have limits, so they don't become too crowded. Smaller businesses can change to an appointment-only model and limit how many people are in waiting rooms or reception areas.

Social Distancing Markers

Place markers on the floor to show customers where they need to stand. In smaller spaces like elevators have arrows indicating which way they should face to minimize exposure.

Social Distancing Markers

Touchless Surfaces

Update any systems you have to make them as touch-free as possible. That means face credit card machines so that the customer can insert and remove the card without assistance. Find out if you can remove the signature requirement for sales under a certain amount from your credit card processor. Have staff enter information, so customers don't have to touch screens or take orders through an app.

Airlines have upgraded their check-in computers, so they now work without touching. See if the vendors you use have similar options for your electronic systems.

Credit Card Reader

Physical Barriers

Setup physical barriers between customers and employees. Partitions can be used between chairs in a hair salon. Plexiglass stands can protect cashiers. Room dividers can be used in personal training studios. There are several solutions you can use to stop the spread of viral droplets.

Physical Barriers

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Updated 12/16/2024