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Dynamic Warm-up
Also called Dynamic Stretching or Mobility Exercises - Optimal Before Exercise and After Foam Rolling

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Click on pictures for a detailed description.

Kneeling Ankle Mobility (Stick in Front) Kneeling Ankle Mobility (Stick in Front) Gastroc/Hammy (Leprechaun Jig) Figure 4 Glute (Front View) Figure 4 Glute (Side View) Fire Hydrant (Front View) Fire Hydrant (Side View) Knee Pull & Quad Pull Walking Romanian Deadlift ("The Bird") Soldier Kicks Lunging Rainbow Sumo Squat, Lateral Lunge with Tilt Inchworm Spiderman Stretch Leg Swings (Front) Leg Swings (Lateral) Arm Circles Arm Swings (High) Arm Swings (Front) Standing Bank Robber Wall Sit and Press Push-Up

Download a Complete Copy of the Dynamic Stretches HERE!

Download a Complete Copy of the Dynamic Warmup HERE!

Click Here to read our complete article on Stretching - The Myths and Realities.

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