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Fixing Fat Videos

Fifty-Four things you can do to live a healthier and happier life. Many are remarkably simple. Drinking a couple glasses of water before each meal or changing the size of your dinner plate.

I've put them all together in one place, this book titled Fixing Fat. To make it easy as possible, I start each action item with a sentence or two, telling you what to do. That's followed with a few paragraphs telling you how to take the action and in some cases, how or why it works. Then I wrap it up with a list of the clinical trial or trials that proved it.

Every suggestion is laid out the same. Action. Details. Proof.

You simply flip through the book, find an action you want to take and concentrate on doing it for the next 30 to 90 days. Once it becomes a habit, open the book and choose the next one. Those simple actions, carried out repeatedly over time, will help YOU achieve your goals, just like they've helped my clients.

What are you waiting for? What action will you take today? 

Learn more from the tips in the videos below.

Fixing Fat Tip #2 - S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Fixing Fat Tip #2 - S.M.A.R.T. Goals

ACTION: I will write my goals down on a piece of paper. I will review that paper daily and carry it with me as a reminder of what I want to accomplish. Presented by Certified Personal Trainer - Leigh Pujado.

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Fixing Fat Tip #3 - Ask your doctor for a weight loss prescription.

Fixing Fat Tip #3 - Ask your doctor for a weight loss prescription.

ACTION: Having a doctor tell you it’s time to lose weight is known as a “Medical Trigger” that can result in weight loss. It mentally shakes you into reality and provides what researchers call a “teachable moment.” By confronting the reality of your physical condition and the long-term consequences of your weight, you’re much more likely to take action and keep the weight off. Presented by Certified Personal Trainer - Daniel Reynen.

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Fixing Fat Tip #4 - Keep a Food Log

Fixing Fat Tip #4 - Keep a Food Log

ACTION: I will keep a journal, log, diary, or notes of everything I eat and drink. Presented by Beth Moyes.

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Fixing Fat Tip #6 - Eat Breakfast

Fixing Fat Tip #6 - Eat Breakfast

ACTION: I will eat breakfast within one hour of getting up, every morning. Presented by Certified Personal Trainer - Leigh Pujado.

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Fixing Fat Tip #12 - Don't Drink Calories

Fixing Fat Tip #12 - Don't Drink Calories

ACTION: I will not drink my calories. Presented by Personal Trainer - Martina Bevis.

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Fixing Fat Tip #13 - I will drink two cups (16 ounces total) of water before every meal.

Fixing Fat Tip #13 - I will drink two cups (16 ounces total) of water before every meal.

ACTION: I will drink two cups (16 ounces total) of water before every meal. Presented by Personal Trainer - Dan Reynen.

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Fixing Fat Tip #17 - Do not drink soda for a month

Fixing Fat Tip #17 - Do not drink soda for a month.

ACTION: I will drink only water for one month. Aquatober. Presented by Personal Trainer - Dan Reynen.

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Fixing Fat Tip #22 - Get Daily Tips

Fixing Fat Tip #22 - Get Daily Tips

ACTION: I will sign up to receive healthy tips via email, text or from a social networking site. Presented by Personal Trainer - Dan Reynen.

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Fixing Fat Tip #28 - Measure Food First

Fixing Fat Tip #28 - Measure Food First

ACTION: I will measure my food and divide it into realistic portions before eating it. Presented by Personal Trainer - Dan Reynen.

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Fixing Fat Tip #31 - Use a Heart Rate Monitor

Fixing Fat Tip #31 - Use a Heart Rate Monitor

ACTION: I will use a heart rate monitor to, more accurately, track the effectiveness and intensity of my workout programs. Presented by Certified Personal Trainer - Albert Herasme.

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Fixing Fat Tip #40 - I will sit down with my family for at least one meal a day.

Fixing Fat Tip #40 - I will sit down with my family for at least one meal a day.

ACTION: I will sit down with my family for at least one meal a day. Presented by Certified Personal Trainer - Dan Reynen.

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Fixing Fat Tip #43 - Limit Fast Food

Fixing Fat Tip #43 - Limit Fast Food

ACTION: I will limit the number of times I dine at a fast food restaurant to once a week (or less). Presented by Personal Trainer - Dan Reynen.

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Fixing Fat Tip #44 - I will avoid ordering “combo” or “value meals” when dining out and instead, choose each item individually.

Fixing Fat Tip #44 - I will avoid ordering “combo” or “value meals” when dining out and instead, choose each item individually.

ACTION: I will avoid ordering “combo” or “value meals” when dining out and instead, choose each item individually. Presented by Personal Trainer - Dan Reynen.

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Fixing Fat Tip #53 - I will eat a minimum of 25 to 30 grams of fiber a day.

Fixing Fat Tip #53 - I will eat a minimum of 25 to 30 grams of fiber a day.

ACTION: Lean people eat significantly more fiber daily than overweight or obese people. In one study, doing nothing more than increasing the daily average from 14 grams a day to 24 grams a day, resulted in a four pound weight loss over 3.8 months. Presented by Personal Trainer - Dan Reynen.

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